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How Long Does It Take to Bottle Feed a 2 Month Old

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How long did it take for your preemie to bottle feed in the nicu?

I had my son at 35 weeks and 4 days, he was born very small weighing at 3 lbs and 15 oz. He had a tough time maintaining his temperature and was put in the incubator, he seems to be doing well now so they are slowly weaning him off of the incubator by lowering the temperature each day. He is now 36 weeks and 6 days gestational age and has gained a bit of weight, he's 4 lbs 1 oz. The main problem is that he isn't able to finish his bottles, he has a very weak suction and falls asleep about 5 or 10 mins after we start bottle feeding him. He will take about 10 or 15 mls of his total 35 mls and then he's pretty much done. The hospital's criteria is that he needs to finish all of his bottles in a 48 hour period to be able to come home. I am having a very difficult time coping with this. The nurses tell me he will get there soon, and that a light switch will go off in his brain and he will begin taking all his feedings, however, i am beginning to wonder how long will it take? I miss him when I leave him at the hospital and I just want him home with me! I cry every day worrying that it will take him months! Please share your experiences, how long did it take your preemie to finish their bottles and come home?


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